Wednesday, April 22, 2009

book club blogger

This book is about a teen name Anne Frank and her experience while hiding in a secret attic.She had a diary in were she wrote everything that happen to her and which mostly effected her own life .She also wrote events about people who surrounded her.
I really don't know anyone who is passing through the same situation as any character in the book.I believe that those characters lives have many differences and similarities from me .Two differences are that they were mostly in the old times when there was a holocaust and the victims had to choose between going to concentration camp, die, or hide.Two similarities are that there were also many people that maybe though the way I would such as Anne father ,when he decided to go undercover so he and his family would be a little more safe.Also I could compare Anne to many people in this world , because she was a normal teen that was a little curious about things,wanted to know what was happening, and liked to be hanging out with her friends and got to parties (before going under cover).
One of the saddest part of the story was when Anne was describing how many of her friends were taken away by the dozen,by Nazis.While I read that part I felt as if she also felt that they were going though.Also I think one of the happiest part was when she had her boy friend at first when she was like kind of shy and a little strick.
I think I could recommend this book a little because it talks about a girl experience while hiding and it could be very interesting to many people by the reason its nonfiction.The other part I don't recommend it is because sometimes in the book Anne doesn't keep you so interest in the story and also at the end some people would have liked to read about what really happen to her in the camp and it was also really sad in some parts.